Privacy Policy

At, we deeply value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. We promise never to sell your data to anyone, a commitment we've always maintained.

What we know about you comes solely from what you share when visiting and exploring our website. We don't acquire any of your personal data from third parties, hence, the control over what you want to share rests entirely with you. If you desire, you can interact with our website under a pseudonym.

Whenever you engage with our website, even if you're not logged in, we automatically receive some personal data such as the type of device you're using and your IP address. Should you choose to create an account with us, you might share additional information. We utilize this information solely for the purpose of improving our services and maintaining a functional and secure website.

You retain full control over your interaction with us. You can freely choose whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from our newsletters, modify your account details, or even delete your account at any time.

As part of our offerings, we provide surveys, self-assessments, and peer review tools. We use your responses to these tools to enhance our content relevancy and better understand work-related behaviors and attitudes. You're entirely free to decide which of these tools to use and when. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to contact us. We're here to ensure that your experience is both enriching and secure.

How Do We Collect Information?

We collect, store, and use the information you voluntarily share with us via our website. This may include your email address, your responses to our self-assessment and peer review tools, your feedback, and any other information you elect to provide.

In addition, we gather specific technical information each time you interact with our website. This data includes information about your device and your visits to our website, including your IP address, the type of browser you're using, the version of that browser, page views, and so forth. This information assists us in ensuring a seamless user experience and improving our services.

In addition, we gather specific technical information each time you interact with our website. This data includes information about your device and your visits to our website, including your IP address, the type of browser you're using, the version of that browser, page views, and so forth. This information assists us in ensuring a seamless user experience and improving our services.

Furthermore, we use cookies, which are small encrypted data files stored on your device and sent by your browser whenever you visit our website. These cookies are utilized to preserve your login status, store your self-assessment and peer review results, and maintain your individual website settings. Some cookies are tied specifically to your account, while others are not. For more detailed information about cookies, please refer to our Cookies section below.