About Miss Hello World

I want to understand – the universe, the world, me. What’s it all about? What is my purpose?
As Socrates said, “the unexamined life is not worth living".
So true!
The fundamental questions of our existence and purpose are extensively discussed in law, philosophy, and psychology. But I always keep finding a dead end when trying to find my answers (and I really try to find those answers).
Logic says (disclaimer: my logic, not common or any other type or form of logic), that to know why we are, we should know who we are, which means we should first discover what we are made of.
For now, I am focusing only on scientific facts (undeniably true statements accepted by the science community).
Of course, interpreted with my point of view (because I am a lawyer and I naturally tend to philosophize) and with a touch of humor (just because I am me).
So, considering that all things are made of atoms (all things – if you just pause for a second and realize what that means – wow!) I want to know.