Miss Hello World.

I want to understand – the universe, the world, me. What’s it all about?

Cover Image for Time is not Always on Time

Time is not Always on Time

Time is sometimes late. Did you know that? It depends on our perspective. In a way, we all experience this in our daily lives. Don’t you sometimes look at your clock, thinking an hour passed, only to see that a few hours passed instead?

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World

Exploring the Universe

Cover Image for Is Reality an Illusion?

Is Reality an Illusion?

Since ancient times, this has been a puzzling question. How real is our reality? “Dreaming of a Butterfly” poses an interesting perspective. It’s a story about a man, Zhuang Zhou, who dreamt he was a butterfly.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for Spooky Action at a Distance

Spooky Action at a Distance

Can you think of a bond that is so strong, that nothing can break it? Even long distance? It’s of course, love! A power that connects us in ways we can’t always explain. When we love each other, we affect each other. No matter the geographical distance between us. We are entangled!

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for God Does Not Play Dice with the Universe

God Does Not Play Dice with the Universe

Can the universe be governed just by probabilities? According to Einstein, no. As he famously stated "God does not play dice with the universe". Are you wondering how come he said that? Well, this is an interesting story! It starts almost 100 years ago

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for Many Worlds Interpretation

Many Worlds Interpretation

Have you ever thought “what if”? About choices you made, or chances you missed, or dreams you left behind? What if I told you that all your dreams do come true, and every “what if” finds its answer, in another universe?

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for Schrödinger's Cat

Schrödinger's Cat

This is a hypothetical cat sitting in a hypothetical box, for a thought experiment, designed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. Inside this box, there's a cat, a radioactive atom, a Geiger counter, a vial of poison, and a hammer.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for The Uncertainty Principle

The Uncertainty Principle

In the quantum world, the more you know, the less certain you can be! This is what this principle is all about.Proposed by Werner Karl Heisenberg in 1927, it states that we cannot determine both the position (x) and momentum (p) of a particle simultaneously.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for Nuclear Force

Nuclear Force

We already know that the strong nuclear force binds quarks together within nucleons (such as protons and neutrons). And we know that the strong force is only experienced by subatomic particles that carry a color charge, and that protons and neutrons have no net color charge.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for Attractive Strong Force

Attractive Strong Force

The strong nuclear force (or strong interaction) keeps quarks and gluons always confined inside the subatomic particles they compose, such as protons and neutrons.This attractive force is the **strongest** of the four fundamental forces of nature.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for E=mc^2 Explained

E=mc^2 Explained

In 1905, Albert Einstein presented a groundbreaking idea to the scientific world: energy (E) and mass (m) are interchangeable. They are both different manifestations of the same thing and can convert into each other. This concept was quite revolutionary at that time.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for What is a Quark?

What is a Quark?

Quarks are fundamental particles that are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. They are considered point-like or zero-dimensional entities, meaning they have no size or structure that we can (currently) measure.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for What is an Atom?

What is an Atom?

In simple words, an atom is a particle that consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons that occupy atomic orbitals. Well, not so “simple”, for me at least! If you are wondering why I am writing about it, it’s because I want to understand – the universe, the world, me.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World
Cover Image for About Miss Hello World

About Miss Hello World

The fundamental questions of our existence and purpose are extensively discussed in law, philosophy, and psychology. But I always keep finding a dead end when trying to find my answers.

Miss Hello World
Miss Hello World

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